Comparative analysis of the influence of different doses of vegetal bio stimulator on agricultural productions

The paper shows how an experimental bio stimulator derived from agricultural waste and herbs can help the roots absorption of mineral elements and quality of agricultural products. The cultures that were tested the experimental bio stimulator were wheat, barley, rape, maize, sunflower, soybean. The main product of the project (BIOSTIM) that was tested had the following composition: N - 4.1 g / l; P2O5 - 6g / l; K2O - 14g / l; Ca - 8 g / l; Mg - 1 g / l; Fe - 61,5mg / l; Mn - 50mg / l; Zn - 7,6mg / l; vegetal antibiotics; amino acids. Four doses were used, ranging from 0.5 l / ha and 2L / ha, in two and three treatments, on the intense development stage to flowering, in comparison with the untreated control. The results of chemical analyzes of soil and plant extracts, could follow the evolution of absorption of mineral elements in correlation with the biometric measurements and productivity elements. The results of experiments showed highly significant positive correlation between bio stimulator dose, intensity of nutrients uptakes with production and quality of agricultural products, and the stimulator is recommended to use it, both in conventional agriculture, as well as traditional agriculture.

Comparative analysis of the influence of different doses of vegetal bio stimulator on agricultural productions

The paper shows how an experimental bio stimulator derived from agricultural waste and herbs can help the roots absorption of mineral elements and quality of agricultural products. The cultures that were tested the experimental bio stimulator were wheat, barley, rape, maize, sunflower, soybean. The main product of the project (BIOSTIM) that was tested had the following composition: N - 4.1 g / l; P2O5 - 6g / l; K2O - 14g / l; Ca - 8 g / l; Mg - 1 g / l; Fe - 61,5mg / l; Mn - 50mg / l; Zn - 7,6mg / l; vegetal antibiotics; amino acids. Four doses were used, ranging from 0.5 l / ha and 2L / ha, in two and three treatments, on the intense development stage to flowering, in comparison with the untreated control. The results of chemical analyzes of soil and plant extracts, could follow the evolution of absorption of mineral elements in correlation with the biometric measurements and productivity elements. The results of experiments showed highly significant positive correlation between bio stimulator dose, intensity of nutrients uptakes with production and quality of agricultural products, and the stimulator is recommended to use it, both in conventional agriculture, as well as traditional agriculture.


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Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1304-9984
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi
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