The Constant and Variable in Turkish Politics and Interests in Iraq Beyond ISIS: A Future Vision

The Constant and Variable in Turkish Politics and Interests in Iraq Beyond ISIS: A Future Vision

With the entry of ISIS to Iraq, Turkish interests were affected. The situation created by the terrorist organization ISIS forced everyone to unite and define their options. Turkey became a new situation. The Kurds in Iraq and Syria were and still are trying to impose a new reality that Turkey must accept. Using the US and international support for them in their war against the ISIS organization, as well as the declaration of Kurdish officials in Iraqi Kurdistan about the situation that is formed after the entry of ISIS and that cannot return to the situation that prevailed before the entry of ISIS to Iraqi territory, as mentioned by the President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani. In addition, the PKK tried to exploit the situation resulting from the control of ISIS and publicly appeared and entered the war against ISIS. These events put Turkey in the face of difficult choices. It will not give up its war against the PKK, nor will it relinquish the establishment of an independent Kurdish state in Syria or Iraq.  Turkey's policies towards Iraq during the period of the existence of the ISIS organization made it clear that Turkey does not want to be excluded and that it should be close to the centers of influence and have a clear role in drawing the image and shape of Iraq beyond ISIS. In addition, Turkey has decisive influence on Iraq, particularly water and other issues. Turkey, in its attitude and regional movement, is based on the bases of Turkish power, based primarily on its geostrategic position. Therefore, this study attempts to study the fundamentals of the Turkish faith and the most important interests that it seeks to achieve and achieve according to the future scenes that can be directed to Iraq.


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