2010 ilerleme raporları çerçevesinde Avrupa birliği'ne aday Ülkelerde demokratik pekişme

Bu çalışma 2010 ilerleme raporlarını iemel alarak AB adayları olan Hırvatistan, Makedonya, Karadağ ve Türkiye'nin demokrasilerinin pekişme olasılıklarını değerlendirmektedir. Uluslararası bir a/

Democratic consolidation in candidate countries of the european union under the framework of 2010 progress reports

This study evaluates the prospects of democratic consolidation in Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey which are candidate countries to the EU. It is seen that the EU, as an international actor, has a great impact over democratic consolidation in candidate countries. The main strategy of the EU to impact democratic consolidation is,political conditionality. Progress reports are the key instruments of the EU to carry out its political conditionality strategy as well. The EU displays the deficiencies of candidate countries in progress reports under the framework of liberal democratic values which must be adopted for EU membership. These deficiencies are challenges to democratic consolidation in candidate countries. 2010 progress reports revealed that the four candidate countries have crucial deficiencies for adopting liberal democratic values and therefore serious challenges to democratic consolidation. As a result, the candidate countries are far from democratic consolidation.


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