In this research, the api tourism potential of Turkey was evaluated by SWOT analysis. The purpose of the study is to determine current situation of api tourism in Turkey within the scope of health tourism. Statistical databases of Turkey Bee Breeding Center Union, Turkey Statistical Institute and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the findings achieved by international and national studies have been utilized in the paper. At the end of the SWOT analysis strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of the api tourism in Turkey has been determined. According to the findings, having the 3rd most significant beehive reserve in the world, being one of the 12 most essential gene centers of the world concerning flora, and applying apitheraphy methods that are considered as a part of the traditional and complementary medicine in accommodation centers is already legalized by the Ministry of health. Its weaknesses are absence of provinces that have the most beehives in Turkey among the api routes, deficiency on promoting and marketing as a bee route, and underdeveloped api tourism consciousness.


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