Budist Uygur metinleri dinî metinler olduğu için bu metinler pek çok anlamsal


Since Buddhist Uyghur texts are religious texts, these texts express manysemantic values. There is an expression of mandal, mandal kılmak in the OldUyghur texts. The maṇḍala word, which originated in Sanskrit, has an importantplace in Mahāyāna Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism. Maṇḍala, which has amagical and symbolic meaning, is related to the formation of human physiologyin Buddhism, the construction of cities, towns, palaces and the formation of theuniverse. The Maṇḍala which examined in this is also symbolized entrance/transition as well as formation of the universe. Maṇḍala consists of a square outerframe made of straight lines, concentric circles, and an arrangement of stylizedlotus leaves. Maṇḍala have four gates that are opened in four directions andfour guards who guarded the gates. In the middle of the Maṇḍala is a stick thatexpresses the tree of life, and there is also water passing next to stick. Thus thecreation of the cosmic world is completed. The person offers various sacrificesfor Buddha and Bodhisattvas in here and then washed with water which boiledwith medicinal herbs. So it exits cleanly from the Maṇḍala diagram that youhave entered as dirty. Maṇḍala means to get rid of all the dirt and to start againthe immaculate life. This is an entrance/transition ceremony.


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