Clinical and some laboratory findings in cats with Toxoplasmosis

Clinical and some laboratory findings in cats with Toxoplasmosis

Objectives: The aim of this study was to draw attention to the clinical course of the disease and some laboratory findings in cats diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis.Materials and Methods: Toxoplasma gondii seropositive 14 cats were used in this study.  A serological evaluation was carried out to determine the presence of Toxoplasma gondii specific IgG using commercial diagnostic kits, by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Hematological and clinical changes of those cats were recorded. Results: Of 14 cats, neural symptoms such as behavioral changes, seizures, ataxia and nystagmus were detected in 11 cats, uveitis in 5 cats and diarrhea in 4 cats. Serum urea, creatinine and bilirubin levels were normal in all cats. However, Anemia (decreased Hb, RBC, PCV) in 8 cats (57.1%), monocytosis in 6 cats (42.8%), neutrophilia in 5 cats (35.7%), hypoalbuminemia in 5 cats (35.7%) and increased AST and ALT levels in 3 cats (21.4%) were detected. Conclusion:  It was concluded that clinical Toxoplasmosis in cats is characterized by neurological, ocular and gastrointestinal sings and hematological sings such as anemia, monocytosis, neutrophilia and hypoalbuminemia that clinically patient cats should also be evaluated in terms of Toxoplasmosis in cats.


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