Characterization in Two Indonesian Bos indicus Cattle Breeds Based on Morphometrical Measurements

Characterization in Two Indonesian Bos indicus Cattle Breeds Based on Morphometrical Measurements

Objective: The aim of this study was carried out to obtain the discriminant variables between Pasundan and Ongole bulls through morphometrical measurements. Materials and Methods: Six morphometric traits of chest girth (CG), withers height (WH), body length (BL), chest depth (CD), hip height (HH) and rump width (RW) were performed in this study. Total of 110 bulls (72 Pasundan and 38 Ongole) from West Java Province of Indonesia were used in this study. Results: The stepwise discriminant analysis showed that three morphometrical measurements of CG, BL and CD had strong discriminating power to characterize of both breeds. The discriminant function obtained correctly classified 87.5% for Pasundan and 100% for Ongole (with canonical correlation of 0.81).


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