RNA-Based COVID-19 vaccine candidates with clinical phase trials in progress

RNA-Based COVID-19 vaccine candidates with clinical phase trials in progress

Abstract: Due to the COVID-19 infection, which was recognized as a global pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020, the number of cases and disease-related deaths increases day by day globally. For this reason, antiviral agents used in treatment and vaccines, the most effective weapon in prevention, continue to be the most popular topic of the plan. Several situations are expected to affect the course of the pandemic. The loss of the ability of the virus to mutate and cause disease, the fact that those who become immunized by having the disease in the society reach a critical rate and create social immunity (herd immunity), and the provision of social immunity with effective vaccination can be counted as some of these situations. Candidate vaccines in the clinical phase among RNA-based vaccines: This review aimed to examine COVID-19 vaccine candidates using RNA technology and compile its current data. We used PubMed, Google Scholar, and World Health Organization (WHO) databases. Also, we followed up on the latest news and developments on vaccine companies’ websites. Conclusion: Vaccination trials, which started due to the seriousness and urgency of the situation that we are in, continue exceptionally quickly and effectively. As per the WHO›s data on July 9, 2021, there have been 291 vaccine trials, 107 of which are in the clinical phase, and 18 (16%) of the vaccine candidates in the clinical phase are RNA-based vaccines. Also, the number of RNA-based vaccines with ongoing preclinical trials is 2Key words: SARS-CoV2, COVID-19, vaccine trials, m-RNA


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