Indoor air quality in primary schools in Keçiören, Ankara

To increase the awareness of environmental risk factors by determining the indoor air quality status of primary schools. Materials and methods: Indoor air quality parameters in 172 classrooms of 31 primary schools in Keçiören, Ankara, were examined for the purpose of assessing the levels of air pollutants (CO, CO2, SO2, NO2, and formaldehyde) within primary schools. Results: Schools near heavy traffic had a statistically significant mean average of CO and SO2 (P < 0.05). The classrooms that had more than 35 students had higher and statistically significant averages of CO2, SO2, NO2, and formaldehyde compared to classrooms that had fewer than 35 students (P < 0.05). Of all classrooms, 29% had 100 CFU/100 mL and higher concentrations of microorganisms, which were not pathogens. Conclusion: Indoor air quality management should continually be maintained in primary schools for the prevention and control of acute and chronic diseases, particularly considering biological and chemical pollution.

Indoor air quality in primary schools in Keçiören, Ankara

To increase the awareness of environmental risk factors by determining the indoor air quality status of primary schools. Materials and methods: Indoor air quality parameters in 172 classrooms of 31 primary schools in Keçiören, Ankara, were examined for the purpose of assessing the levels of air pollutants (CO, CO2, SO2, NO2, and formaldehyde) within primary schools. Results: Schools near heavy traffic had a statistically significant mean average of CO and SO2 (P < 0.05). The classrooms that had more than 35 students had higher and statistically significant averages of CO2, SO2, NO2, and formaldehyde compared to classrooms that had fewer than 35 students (P < 0.05). Of all classrooms, 29% had 100 CFU/100 mL and higher concentrations of microorganisms, which were not pathogens. Conclusion: Indoor air quality management should continually be maintained in primary schools for the prevention and control of acute and chronic diseases, particularly considering biological and chemical pollution.


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  • ISSN: 1300-0144
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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