Revised Late Campanian-Danian age of the melange-related turbiditic sequence in the Mersin area (Central Taurides, S. Turkey)

A planktonic foraminiferal assemblage obtained from the Yavca stratigraphic section north of Mersin shows that the age of a melange-related turbiditic sequence extends to the Danian (Early Palaeocene). Previously, this turbiditic sequence, termed the Yavca Formation, was considered to be of Late Cretaceous or Campanian-Maastrichtian age. The formation is either depositionally overlain by the Fındıkpınarı ophiolite-related melange or tectonically by Mersin Ophiolite slices or Jurassic-Cretaceous platform carbonates. Clayey limestone and mudstone samples collected from the type area of the Yavca Formation yielded planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, which include Parasubbotina pseudobulloides (Plummer), P. varianta (Subbotina), Praemurica pseudoinconstans (Blow), P. inconstans (Subbotina), Globanomalina compressa (Plummer), G. ehrenbergi (Blow), Subbotina triloculinoides (Plummer), S. triangularis (White), Morozovella praeangulata (White), and Eoglobigerina spiralis (Bolli). These assemblages range from the late Danian P1c subzone to the basal P3a subzone. Basal red pelagic limestones are assigned here to the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, based on the presence of Radotruncana cf. R. calcarata (Cushman) and Contusotruncana cf. C. walfischensis (Todd). The age of the melange-related turbiditic sequence is revised to be late Campanian (Late Cretaceous) to Danian (Early Paleocene). This revised age provides a new insight into the evolution of the Central Taurides and helps refine palaeogeographical interpretation during this time. The timing of the ophiolite emplacement in the Central Taurides is interpreted as post-Danian to pre-Miocene (Late Palaeocene or Late Eocene).

Revised Late Campanian-Danian age of the melange-related turbiditic sequence in the Mersin area (Central Taurides, S. Turkey)

A planktonic foraminiferal assemblage obtained from the Yavca stratigraphic section north of Mersin shows that the age of a melange-related turbiditic sequence extends to the Danian (Early Palaeocene). Previously, this turbiditic sequence, termed the Yavca Formation, was considered to be of Late Cretaceous or Campanian-Maastrichtian age. The formation is either depositionally overlain by the Fındıkpınarı ophiolite-related melange or tectonically by Mersin Ophiolite slices or Jurassic-Cretaceous platform carbonates. Clayey limestone and mudstone samples collected from the type area of the Yavca Formation yielded planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, which include Parasubbotina pseudobulloides (Plummer), P. varianta (Subbotina), Praemurica pseudoinconstans (Blow), P. inconstans (Subbotina), Globanomalina compressa (Plummer), G. ehrenbergi (Blow), Subbotina triloculinoides (Plummer), S. triangularis (White), Morozovella praeangulata (White), and Eoglobigerina spiralis (Bolli). These assemblages range from the late Danian P1c subzone to the basal P3a subzone. Basal red pelagic limestones are assigned here to the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, based on the presence of Radotruncana cf. R. calcarata (Cushman) and Contusotruncana cf. C. walfischensis (Todd). The age of the melange-related turbiditic sequence is revised to be late Campanian (Late Cretaceous) to Danian (Early Paleocene). This revised age provides a new insight into the evolution of the Central Taurides and helps refine palaeogeographical interpretation during this time. The timing of the ophiolite emplacement in the Central Taurides is interpreted as post-Danian to pre-Miocene (Late Palaeocene or Late Eocene).


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Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-0985
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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