Traditional herbal remedies used in kidney diseases in Turkey: an overview

Traditional herbal remedies used in kidney diseases in Turkey: an overview

Ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal studies have become increasingly recognised as a valuable source of information on the use and possible pharmacological activity of many plant species. There is no study presenting traditional herbal remedies used for kidney diseases in Turkey. The purpose of the paper is to compile herbal remedies used in kidney diseases in Turkey with detailed usage information and chemical constituents. The botanical names, families, and local names; used parts; preparation methods; administration/ dosage; kidney problems and chemical constituents were presented by screening ethnobotanical, ethnomedicinaland phytochemical studies. The most cited plant families, the most cited genera, and the most frequently used plant parts were determined and presented in graphics. In total, 300 taxa belonging to 70 families were determined as being traditional herbal remedies used in kidney diseases. Asteraceae (57), Lamiaceae (33), Rosaceae (30), Fabaceae (16), Malvaceae (15), Apiaceae (13) and Poaceae (10) were found as the most cited plant families. The most cited genera were Helichrysum (44), Equisetum (27), Tribulus (23), Urtica (23), Rosa (17), Alcea (14), Hypericum (14) and Paliurus (14), respectively. It was found that the aerial parts were the most frequently used part of theplant, accounting for 28%. Following in this category are leaves (19%), flowers (14%), fruits (14%), underground parts (13%), seeds (5%), stem (3%), and other parts (4%). The pharmacological studies of the most cited genera were also reviewed to confirm the efficacy of these plants inthe treatment of kidney diseases. It is concluded that a number of pharmacological and phytochemical research support the traditional usage of plants, but further studies are needed. Our findings are expected to be the basis for candidate pharmaceutical products.


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Turkish Journal of Botany-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-008X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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