The lichen flora of Gunib plateau, inner-mountain Dagestan (North-East Caucasus, Russia)

As a result of lichenological exploration of the Gunib plateau in the Republic of Dagestan (North-East Caucasus, Russia), we report 402 species of lichenised, 37 lichenicolous, and 7 nonlichenised fungi representing 151 genera. Nineteen species are recorded for the first time for Russia: Abrothallus chrysanthus J.Steiner, Abrothallus microspermus Tul., Caloplaca albopruinosa (Arnold) H.Olivier, Candelariella plumbea Poelt & Vezda, Candelariella rhodax Poelt & Vezda, Cladonia firma (Nyl.) Nyl., Halospora deminuta (Arnold) Tomas. & Cif., Halospora discrepans (J.Lahm ex Arnold) Hafellner, Lichenostigma epipolina Nav.-Ros., Calat. & Hafellner, Milospium graphideorum (Nyl.) D.Hawksw., Mycomicrothelia atlantica D.Hawksw. & Coppins, Parabagliettoa cyanea (A.Massal.) Gueidan & Cl.Roux, Placynthium garovaglioi (A.Massal.) Malme, Polyblastia dermatodes A.Massal., Rusavskia digitata (S.Y.Kondr.) S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt, Squamarina stella-petraea Poelt, Staurothele elenkinii Oxner, Toninia nordlandica Th.Fr., and Verrucaria endocarpoides Servít. In addition, 71 taxa are new records for the Caucasus and 15 are new to Asia.

The lichen flora of Gunib plateau, inner-mountain Dagestan (North-East Caucasus, Russia)

As a result of lichenological exploration of the Gunib plateau in the Republic of Dagestan (North-East Caucasus, Russia), we report 402 species of lichenised, 37 lichenicolous, and 7 nonlichenised fungi representing 151 genera. Nineteen species are recorded for the first time for Russia: Abrothallus chrysanthus J.Steiner, Abrothallus microspermus Tul., Caloplaca albopruinosa (Arnold) H.Olivier, Candelariella plumbea Poelt & Vezda, Candelariella rhodax Poelt & Vezda, Cladonia firma (Nyl.) Nyl., Halospora deminuta (Arnold) Tomas. & Cif., Halospora discrepans (J.Lahm ex Arnold) Hafellner, Lichenostigma epipolina Nav.-Ros., Calat. & Hafellner, Milospium graphideorum (Nyl.) D.Hawksw., Mycomicrothelia atlantica D.Hawksw. & Coppins, Parabagliettoa cyanea (A.Massal.) Gueidan & Cl.Roux, Placynthium garovaglioi (A.Massal.) Malme, Polyblastia dermatodes A.Massal., Rusavskia digitata (S.Y.Kondr.) S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt, Squamarina stella-petraea Poelt, Staurothele elenkinii Oxner, Toninia nordlandica Th.Fr., and Verrucaria endocarpoides Servít. In addition, 71 taxa are new records for the Caucasus and 15 are new to Asia.


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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