The Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) of Turkey, Updated

The nomenclature of 51 taxa in 27 genera of Turkish Brassicaceae has been updated to bring the account of the family in line with the current classification and nomenclature. An appendix listing the previous names, current ones, and pertinent bibliographical citations is provided, as well as another listing the taxa with relevant literature published after the second supplement of the Flora of Turkey. A comprehensive listing of the literature supporting the nomenclatural changes is provided. Pseudosempervivum amanum (Contandr. & Quézel) Al-Shehbaz, Mutlu & Dönmez and P. gurulkanii (Yild.) Mutlu, Al-Shehbaz & Dönmez, are proposed as new combinations. Gorkemia Yild. is determined as a diseased specimen of Isatis sp. Since the publication of the second supplement of the Flora of Turkey, 45 taxa of Brassicaceae in the genera Alyssum, Arabis, Bornmuellera, Clastopus, Draba, Hesperis, Iberis, Litwinowia, Matthiola, Noccaea and Raphanus have been added to the flora.

The Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) of Turkey, Updated

The nomenclature of 51 taxa in 27 genera of Turkish Brassicaceae has been updated to bring the account of the family in line with the current classification and nomenclature. An appendix listing the previous names, current ones, and pertinent bibliographical citations is provided, as well as another listing the taxa with relevant literature published after the second supplement of the Flora of Turkey. A comprehensive listing of the literature supporting the nomenclatural changes is provided. Pseudosempervivum amanum (Contandr. & Quézel) Al-Shehbaz, Mutlu & Dönmez and P. gurulkanii (Yild.) Mutlu, Al-Shehbaz & Dönmez, are proposed as new combinations. Gorkemia Yild. is determined as a diseased specimen of Isatis sp. Since the publication of the second supplement of the Flora of Turkey, 45 taxa of Brassicaceae in the genera Alyssum, Arabis, Bornmuellera, Clastopus, Draba, Hesperis, Iberis, Litwinowia, Matthiola, Noccaea and Raphanus have been added to the flora.


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