Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Kızıldağ (Derebucak, Konya)

Herein 152 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi belonging to 68 genera are reported from Kızıldağ (Derebucak district, Konya province). Of these, 149 taxa are reported from the study area for the first time and 96 taxa are new for Konya province. Lecanora perpruinosa Fröberg and Toninia submexicana de Lesd. are new records for Turkey and Asia.

Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Kızıldağ (Derebucak, Konya)

Herein 152 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi belonging to 68 genera are reported from Kızıldağ (Derebucak district, Konya province). Of these, 149 taxa are reported from the study area for the first time and 96 taxa are new for Konya province. Lecanora perpruinosa Fröberg and Toninia submexicana de Lesd. are new records for Turkey and Asia.


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