Kızılırmak vadisinin çalı, orman ve step vejetasyonu üzerine sintaksonomik bir araştırma

Bu çalışmada Kızılırmak vadisinin Kepez Boğazı ile Devrez Çayı arasında kalan kesiminin çalı, orman ve step vejetasyonu geleneksel Braun-Blanquet yöntemine göre araştırılarak, başlıca yeni birlik ve altbirlikler belirlenmiş ve aşağıdaki gibi sınıflandırılmıştır. Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolòs Y Vayreda 1950 Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. 19471-Cotino coggyriae-Pinetum brutiae ass. nova2-Buxo sempervirentis-Arbutetum unedonis Karaer et al. 20103-Spiraeo crenatae-Oleetum sylvestris Karaer et al. 20104-Rubo sancti-Viticetum agni-casti ass. novaQuercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni & Passarage 1959 Querco cerridis-Carpinetalia orientalis Akman, Quézel & Barbéro 1980 Carpino betuli-Acerion hyrcani Quézel, Barbéro & Akman 19785-Corno mari-Quercetum cerridis ass. nova loniceretosum etrusco subass. nova lathyretosum rosei subass. nova6-Trifolio canescentis-Pinetum caramanicae ass. nova7-Galio odorati-Fagetum orientalis Özen & Kılınç 2002 abietetosum bornmuellerianae subass. nova vicietosum croceo subass. nova8-Rumi scutati-Pinetum hamatae ass. nova Astragalo microcephali–Brometea tomentelli Quézel 1973 em. Parolly Onobrychido armenae–Thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoğlu, Quézel & Demirörs 1984 9-Daphno oleoidis-Astragaletum angustifolii ass. nova Astragalo karamasici-Gypsophilion eriocalycis Ketenoğlu, Quézel, Akman & Aydoğdu 198310-Scutellario pinnatifidae-Juniperetum excelsae ass. nova11-Linario corifoliae-Astragaletum microcephali ass. nova stipetosum arabico subass. nova alyssetosum desertorum subass. nova

A syntaxonomical study on the scrub, forest, and steppe vegetation of the Kızılırmak valley

The scrub, forest, and steppe vegetation of the Kızılırmak valley situated between Kepez gorge and Devrez stream was investigated based on the traditional Braun-Blanquet method, and mainly new associations and subassociations were identified and classified. The syntaxonomic scheme was as follows: Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolòs Y Vayreda 1950 Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. 1947 1-Cotino coggyriae-Pinetum brutiae ass. nova 2-Buxo sempervirentis-Arbutetum unedonis Karaer et al. 2010 3-Spiraeo crenatae-Oleetum sylvestris Karaer et al. 2010 4-Rubo sancti-Viticetum agni-casti ass. nova Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni & Passarage 1959 Querco cerridis-Carpinetalia orientalis Akman, Quézel & Barbéro 1980 Carpino betuli-Acerion hyrcani Quézel, Barbéro & Akman 1978 5-Corno mari-Quercetum cerridis ass. nova loniceretosum etrusco subass. nova lathyretosum rosei subass. nova 6-Trifolio canescentis-Pinetum caramanicae ass. nova 7-Galio odorati-Fagetum orientalis Özen & Kılınç 2002 abietetosum bornmuellerianae subass. nova vicietosum croceo subass. nova 8-Rumi scutati-Pinetum hamatae ass. nova Astragalo microcephali-Brometea tomentelli Quézel 1973 em. Parolly Onobrychido armenae-Thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoğlu, Quézel & Demirörs 1984 9-Daphno oleoidis-Astragaletum angustifolii ass. nova Astragalo karamasici-Gypsophilion eriocalycis Ketenoğlu, Quézel, Akman & Aydoğdu 1983 10-Scutellario pinnatifidae-Juniperetum excelsae ass. nova 11-Linario corifoliae-Astragaletum microcephali ass. nova stipetosum arabico subass. nova alyssetosum desertorum subass. nova


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