Ekimia ozcan-secmenii (Apiaceae), a new species from Southwest Anatolia, Turkey

Ekimia ozcan-secmenii (Apiaceae), a new species from Southwest Anatolia, Turkey

Ekimia ozcan-secmenii Şenol & Eroğlu sp. nov. (Apiaceae) is described from SW Turkey. E. ozcan-secmenii differs from itsclose affinity, E. bornmuelleri, by life form (monocarpic), petal and bracteole morphology, and mericarp features. These data weremore supported by the results of nrDNA ITS sequences. The ML tree depicted based on phylogenetic studies aimed to reveal thecloseness of the Laserpitium and Prangos species as well as the location the affinity of species in the genus Ekimia. The taxonomicsituation of Prangos hulusi was also evaluated based on nrDNA ITS sequences. Since E. ozcan-secmenii is distributed in Sami SoydamSandalcık hydroelectric power plant in Acıpayam, Denizli, the population is threatening by flooding. Therefore, conservation programsare urgently recommended.


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