Contributions to the Hypericum L. section Oligostema (Boiss.) Stef. (Hypericaceae), and Hypericum turcicum sp. nov. as a new species from Turkey

Contributions to the Hypericum L. section Oligostema (Boiss.) Stef. (Hypericaceae), and Hypericum turcicum sp. nov. as a new species from Turkey

Hypericum turcicum (Hypericaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Beypazarı in Ankara Province inNorthwest Anatolia, Turkey. The new species belongs to the section Oligostema, and it is closely related to H. aucheri. Diagnosticcharacters, description, detailed illustrations, ecology, and pollen and seed morphology are presented in this study. In addition, thisstudy evaluates H. kazdaghense, which was previously accepted as a synonym of H. aucheri, as a distinct species and discusses thesimilarities and differences between H. turcicum and H. aucheri.


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