An example for comparison of storage methods of macrofungus cultures: Schizophyllum commune

Twelve different methods were compared for storage of a newly isolated mushroom strain, Schizophyllum commune Fr. The fungal strain was stored in different media [sterile distilled water (SDW), glycerol (15%) or media including trehalose], in different forms (mycelium-colonised wheat seeds, mycelium-colonised agar plugs) and at different temperatures (+4, +20, -20 °C). The fungal culture was checked periodically for its viability and biological activity for up to 1 year. The mycelial recovery ratio, mycelial growth rate, mycelial biomass weight, and enzyme activity of the recovered cultures were used for comparison of the different methods. After 12 months' storage, the vitality of the strain was successfully preserved and the mycelial growth rates and biomass weight were similar for the different methods of storage. The enzymatic activity showed variability for the different storage methods. Our results show that agar plugs stored in sterile water at +4 °C and in 15% (v/v) glycerol at +20 °C are preferable methods for the preservation of S. commune. Additionally, the methods of mycelium-colonised wheat seeds in sterile water at +4 °C and agar plugs in sterile water at +20 °C are acceptable alternatives.

An example for comparison of storage methods of macrofungus cultures: Schizophyllum commune

Twelve different methods were compared for storage of a newly isolated mushroom strain, Schizophyllum commune Fr. The fungal strain was stored in different media [sterile distilled water (SDW), glycerol (15%) or media including trehalose], in different forms (mycelium-colonised wheat seeds, mycelium-colonised agar plugs) and at different temperatures (+4, +20, -20 °C). The fungal culture was checked periodically for its viability and biological activity for up to 1 year. The mycelial recovery ratio, mycelial growth rate, mycelial biomass weight, and enzyme activity of the recovered cultures were used for comparison of the different methods. After 12 months' storage, the vitality of the strain was successfully preserved and the mycelial growth rates and biomass weight were similar for the different methods of storage. The enzymatic activity showed variability for the different storage methods. Our results show that agar plugs stored in sterile water at +4 °C and in 15% (v/v) glycerol at +20 °C are preferable methods for the preservation of S. commune. Additionally, the methods of mycelium-colonised wheat seeds in sterile water at +4 °C and agar plugs in sterile water at +20 °C are acceptable alternatives.


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