A new species of Teucrium sect. Scordium (Lamiaceae) from SE of Turkey

A new species of Teucrium L. from Southeast Anatolia (Turkey), Teucrium sirnakense Özcan & Dirmenci, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to the sect. Scordium Boiss. and is closely related to Teucrium melissoides Boiss. & Hausskn. and Teucrium scordium L. s.l. The differences between the new species and its allies are discussed. A description, distribution map, ITS nrDNA phylogeny, and taxonomic comments on the new species are provided.

A new species of Teucrium sect. Scordium (Lamiaceae) from SE of Turkey

A new species of Teucrium L. from Southeast Anatolia (Turkey), Teucrium sirnakense Özcan & Dirmenci, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to the sect. Scordium Boiss. and is closely related to Teucrium melissoides Boiss. & Hausskn. and Teucrium scordium L. s.l. The differences between the new species and its allies are discussed. A description, distribution map, ITS nrDNA phylogeny, and taxonomic comments on the new species are provided.


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  • P.H.Davis 1229 (E); C5 Adana: Karataş area south of
  • Adana, 10.09.1965, G.W.D.Findlay 285 (E); C5 Konya:
  • Ereğli, Aydos Dağı, Halkapınar, stream banks, 1400 m,
  • 01978, S.Erik 2968 (HUB); C6 Hatay: Amanus
  • Nurdağlari, 1 mile north of Kaypak, 750 m. 24.07.1971,
  • J.Darrah 1643 (E); C6 Hatay: valley above Yeşilkent, stream
  • muddy gravel, 305 m, 11.08.1969, J.Darrah 613 (E); C6
  • Osmaniye: between Yarpuz and Yağlıpınar, 1 km east of
  • Yarpuz, 37°02′404″N, 36°26′766″E, 1060 m, 15.07.2013,
  • Dirmenci 3998, Akçiçek & Ö.Güner; C6 K. Maraş: Engizek
  • Dağı, around Aksu mahallesi, 1000–1100 m, meadows,
  • 01987, H.Duman 3724 (GAZI); C6 K. Maraş:
  • Süleymanlı, Avcılar village, Pinus forest, 800 m, 21.07.1977,
  • B.Yıldız 1215 (HUB). - Teucrium melissoides: C9 Şırnak:
  • 5 km from Uludere road junction to Beytüşşebap,
  • around the spring, wet places, 37°23′353″N, 42°54′026″E,
  • 1070 m, 18.06.2003, A.A.Dönmez 11230 & B.Mutlu (HUB,
  • INU); ibid 08.06.2013, Dirmenci 3912, Akçiçek & Ö.Güner;
  • C10 Hakkari: Yüksekova, between Varegöz and Yeşiltaş
  • village, water’s edge, 15.08.2008, B.Yıldız 16926, Dirmenci
  • & M.Fırat; 31 km from Şemdinli to Derecik, near
  • foundation, water’s edge, 37°12′203″N, 44°26′414″E,
  • 002013, Dirmenci 3910, Akçiçek & Ö.Güner.
Turkish Journal of Botany-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-008X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK