A new species of Sisymbrium (Brassicaceae) from Turkey: morphological and molecular evidence

Sisymbrium malatyanum Mutlu & Karakuş is identified as a new species from Malatya Province, East Anatolia, Turkey. Morphological and molecular (entire ITS region) studies proved that this species especially resembles Sisymbrium brassiciforme, S. heteromallum, S. altissimum, S. damascenum, and S. austriacum subsp. contortum. New species and related taxa are discussed in terms of morphological and molecular differences. Epicuticular wax on the fruit surface of the new species was determined. SEM images (hairs on leaf, stem, fruit, stylus, and epicuticular wax crystalloids) and field photographs (habitat, flowering and fruiting shape of habitus, and fruit) are presented.

A new species of Sisymbrium (Brassicaceae) from Turkey: morphological and molecular evidence

Sisymbrium malatyanum Mutlu & Karakuş is identified as a new species from Malatya Province, East Anatolia, Turkey. Morphological and molecular (entire ITS region) studies proved that this species especially resembles Sisymbrium brassiciforme, S. heteromallum, S. altissimum, S. damascenum, and S. austriacum subsp. contortum. New species and related taxa are discussed in terms of morphological and molecular differences. Epicuticular wax on the fruit surface of the new species was determined. SEM images (hairs on leaf, stem, fruit, stylus, and epicuticular wax crystalloids) and field photographs (habitat, flowering and fruiting shape of habitus, and fruit) are presented.


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Turkish Journal of Botany-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-008X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK