A New Record for Asia: Abrothallus tulasnei M. Cole & D. Hawksw. (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) from Turkey

Abrothallus tulasnei M. Cole & D. Hawksw. 2001, a species which is only known from North America and Austria in Europe, is recorded for the first time from North Anatolia in Asia. Notes on the Turkish specimen are presented and the differences between it and the other Abrothallus De Not. species which are lichenicolous on Xanthoparmelia species are discussed

A New Record for Asia: Abrothallus tulasnei M. Cole & D. Hawksw. (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) from Turkey

Abrothallus tulasnei M. Cole & D. Hawksw. 2001, a species which is only known from North America and Austria in Europe, is recorded for the first time from North Anatolia in Asia. Notes on the Turkish specimen are presented and the differences between it and the other Abrothallus De Not. species which are lichenicolous on Xanthoparmelia species are discussed


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