The biochemical and histoanatomical response of some woody species to anthropic impact in Suceava County, Romania

The use of extractive mining technologies in various areas of Suceava, Romania (C?limani Mountains - sulfur, Tarni?a-Ostra - copper and barite, and Crucea-Botuşana - uranium) has resulted in the accumulation of surplus chemicals with direct action on the ecosystem. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible damage on some woody species (Picea abies L., Populus tremulaL., Salix alba L., Betula verrucosa Ehrh.,and Larix decidua Mill.) and their adaptive and phytoremediation capacity through the biomarkers of oxidative stress and histoanatomical observations. Thus, we determined the total soluble protein concentration and superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase activities. Cross-sections of the leaves were also made. The results proved the influence of anthropogenic pollution in all studied areas, but the greatest antioxidant defense system reactivity (compared to the control, the unpolluted area of Putna) was detected under the action of uranium on all woody species from Crucea-Botuşana. Structural changes, such as the thickening of epidermal cuticle, the thinning of hypodermic cell walls, and the reduction of the phloem, were also observed and attributed to anthropogenic pollution.

The biochemical and histoanatomical response of some woody species to anthropic impact in Suceava County, Romania

The use of extractive mining technologies in various areas of Suceava, Romania (C?limani Mountains - sulfur, Tarni?a-Ostra - copper and barite, and Crucea-Botuşana - uranium) has resulted in the accumulation of surplus chemicals with direct action on the ecosystem. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible damage on some woody species (Picea abies L., Populus tremulaL., Salix alba L., Betula verrucosa Ehrh.,and Larix decidua Mill.) and their adaptive and phytoremediation capacity through the biomarkers of oxidative stress and histoanatomical observations. Thus, we determined the total soluble protein concentration and superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase activities. Cross-sections of the leaves were also made. The results proved the influence of anthropogenic pollution in all studied areas, but the greatest antioxidant defense system reactivity (compared to the control, the unpolluted area of Putna) was detected under the action of uranium on all woody species from Crucea-Botuşana. Structural changes, such as the thickening of epidermal cuticle, the thinning of hypodermic cell walls, and the reduction of the phloem, were also observed and attributed to anthropogenic pollution.


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
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