The effects of different tillage methods on the post-wheat second crop sesame: seed yield, energy budget, and economic return

Field experiments were carried out to assess the effects of different tillage practices on second crop sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) after wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009 in Aksu, Antalya, Turkey. The experimental design included no-till sowing into wet soil (NTW), no-till sowing into dry soil (NTD), reduced tillage (RT), and conventional tillage (CT) with 3 registered sesame cultivars, Muganli-57, Gölmarmara, and Özberk. In the no-till methods, the field was passed over only once for planting, which was directly performed into soil with stubble. In the RT method, the soil was not inverted and the field was tilled only once with a powered rotary tiller. The CT method consisted of 1-time moldboard plowing and 2-time disc harrowing, and leveling. According to the seed yield means of 2 years, the RT method provided the highest yield with a value of 855.2 kg ha-1, while the lowest yield was recorded for NTW with a value of 413.0 kg ha-1. Statistically, the RT and CT methods produced higher yields than the no-till methods. In addition to seed yield, days to 50% flowering, stem length to the first capsule, plant height, number of capsules per plant, and number of seeds per capsule were positively affected by the RT and CT methods. As expected, the no-till methods resulted in significantly less fuel consumption, with 7.5 L ha-1, than RT (26.4 L ha-1) and CT (71.5 L ha-1). Although the no-till methods provided higher energy savings and lower land preparation costs, they fell behind RT and CT in regard to seed yield. When fuel consumption, inputs, and seed yield were considered together, the RT method was the most economical. Therefore, the RT method was advised to farmers for second crop sesame after wheat with the highest income potential.

The effects of different tillage methods on the post-wheat second crop sesame: seed yield, energy budget, and economic return

Field experiments were carried out to assess the effects of different tillage practices on second crop sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) after wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009 in Aksu, Antalya, Turkey. The experimental design included no-till sowing into wet soil (NTW), no-till sowing into dry soil (NTD), reduced tillage (RT), and conventional tillage (CT) with 3 registered sesame cultivars, Muganli-57, Gölmarmara, and Özberk. In the no-till methods, the field was passed over only once for planting, which was directly performed into soil with stubble. In the RT method, the soil was not inverted and the field was tilled only once with a powered rotary tiller. The CT method consisted of 1-time moldboard plowing and 2-time disc harrowing, and leveling. According to the seed yield means of 2 years, the RT method provided the highest yield with a value of 855.2 kg ha-1, while the lowest yield was recorded for NTW with a value of 413.0 kg ha-1. Statistically, the RT and CT methods produced higher yields than the no-till methods. In addition to seed yield, days to 50% flowering, stem length to the first capsule, plant height, number of capsules per plant, and number of seeds per capsule were positively affected by the RT and CT methods. As expected, the no-till methods resulted in significantly less fuel consumption, with 7.5 L ha-1, than RT (26.4 L ha-1) and CT (71.5 L ha-1). Although the no-till methods provided higher energy savings and lower land preparation costs, they fell behind RT and CT in regard to seed yield. When fuel consumption, inputs, and seed yield were considered together, the RT method was the most economical. Therefore, the RT method was advised to farmers for second crop sesame after wheat with the highest income potential.


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Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-011X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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