Root length, root mass, and distribution of dry matter in different parts of Thompson Seedless grapevine grafted on different rootstocks in heavy soil of Maharashtra

The root distribution pattern of 3 grape rootstocks, Dog Ridge, Salt Creek, and St. George, grafted with Thompson Seedless grapevine was studied at the National Research Centre for Grapes in Pune, India. The soil is heavy black cotton soil (vertisol) with a pH of >8.0. Roots of different thicknesses (10 mm) were examined at horizontal distances of 0-30 cm, 31-60 cm, 61-90 cm, 91-120 cm, and 121-150 cm away from the trunk and also to depths of 0-30 cm, 31-60 cm, and 61-90 cm from the surface. Among the different categories of roots, Dog Ridge put forth the maximum root length in the

Root length, root mass, and distribution of dry matter in diff erent parts of Th ompson Seedless grapevine graft ed on diff erent rootstocks in heavy soil of Maharashtra

The root distribution pattern of 3 grape rootstocks, Dog Ridge, Salt Creek, and St. George, grafted with Thompson Seedless grapevine was studied at the National Research Centre for Grapes in Pune, India. The soil is heavy black cotton soil (vertisol) with a pH of >8.0. Roots of different thicknesses (10 mm) were examined at horizontal distances of 0-30 cm, 31-60 cm, 61-90 cm, 91-120 cm, and 121-150 cm away from the trunk and also to depths of 0-30 cm, 31-60 cm, and 61-90 cm from the surface. Among the different categories of roots, Dog Ridge put forth the maximum root length in the


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Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-011X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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