Efects of diferent irrigation methods and plant density on silage yield and yield components of PR 31Y43 hybrid corn cultivar

Efects of diferent irrigation methods and plant density on silage yield and yield components of PR 31Y43 hybrid corn cultivar

Tis study was conducted to determine the efects of diferent irrigation methods (drip I1, subsoil drip I2, and subsoilcapillary I3) and diferent plant densities (102,040 plants ha 1, D1; 119,040 plants ha 1, D2; and 142,850 plants ha 1, D3) on the silageyield and yield components of PR 31Y43 hybrid corn cultivar (Zea mays L. indentata S.) in the years 2011 and 2012 under the ecologicalconditions of Eskipazar-Karabük. In both research years, the plant densities were statistically signifcant for stem diameter, fresh earratio, fresh plant weight, silage, and dry matter yield. Te highest stem diameter, fresh ear ratio, and fresh plant weight values wereobtained from D1 and D2 plant densities, and the highest silage and dry matter yields were obtained from D3 and D2 plant densities.Irrigation methods were statistically signifcant for fresh and dry plant weight in the second research year, and the highest values wereobtained from drip irrigation. Te I × D interactions were statistically signifcant for plant height in both research years, while theywere statistically signifcant for number of leaves, stem diameter, fresh leaf ratio, fresh ear ratio, fresh plant weight, and silage yield inthe second research year. Te highest silage yield was obtained from I3 × D3 interaction. D3 and D2 plant densities in all 3 irrigationmethods could be recommended for corn silage farmers. However, when water conservation is taken into consideration (I2, 7%; I3,11%), subsoil irrigation becomes more important.


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Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-011X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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