Different furrow management techniques for cotton production and water conservation in Harran Plain, Şanlıurfa

In this study, the water saving and conservation potential of various furrow irrigation management techniques for irrigated cotton were compared. Conventional every-furrow irrigation with open-end furrows (EFO) and blocked-end furrows (EFB), and alternate every-other-furrow management with open-end furrows (AFO) and blocked-end furrows (AFB), were considered. Considerable seasonal water savings were obtained with AFO and AFB flows, on average from 717 mm to 906 mm, respectively, when compared to EFO. Alternate furrows showed the ability to reduce tailwater runoff considerably. When compared with EFO, water use was reduced by 9063 m3 ha-1 (60%) using AFB and 7167 m3 ha-1 (48%) using AFO, with decreases in yield of 765 kg ha-1 (27%) and 492 kg ha-1 (17%), respectively. Similarly, average water use efficiencies were 0.36 kg m-3 for AFB and 0.31 kg m-3 for AFO, compared to 0.20 kg m-3 for EFO. Results showed the possibility of applying alternate-flow furrow management techniques for water conservation in cotton irrigation. Additionally, the alternate furrow method could also be considered as a deficit irrigation approach in the Harran Plain.

Different furrow management techniques for cotton production and water conservation in Harran Plain, Şanlıurfa

In this study, the water saving and conservation potential of various furrow irrigation management techniques for irrigated cotton were compared. Conventional every-furrow irrigation with open-end furrows (EFO) and blocked-end furrows (EFB), and alternate every-other-furrow management with open-end furrows (AFO) and blocked-end furrows (AFB), were considered. Considerable seasonal water savings were obtained with AFO and AFB flows, on average from 717 mm to 906 mm, respectively, when compared to EFO. Alternate furrows showed the ability to reduce tailwater runoff considerably. When compared with EFO, water use was reduced by 9063 m3 ha-1 (60%) using AFB and 7167 m3 ha-1 (48%) using AFO, with decreases in yield of 765 kg ha-1 (27%) and 492 kg ha-1 (17%), respectively. Similarly, average water use efficiencies were 0.36 kg m-3 for AFB and 0.31 kg m-3 for AFO, compared to 0.20 kg m-3 for EFO. Results showed the possibility of applying alternate-flow furrow management techniques for water conservation in cotton irrigation. Additionally, the alternate furrow method could also be considered as a deficit irrigation approach in the Harran Plain.


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Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-011X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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