Ünye İlçesinde Ağustos 2017’de Meydana Gelen Norovirüs İlişkili Su Kaynaklı Bir Salgın Üzerinden Epidemiyolojik Yaklaşım, Kontrol Önlemleri, Zorluklar

Amaç: Ünye ilçesindeki hastanelere 20-23 Ağustos 2017 tarihleri arasında 1426 akut barsak enfeksiyonu ABE başvurusu olduğu saptanmıştır. İncelemenin amacı vaka sayısındaki artışın sebeplerini saptamak olası kaynakları kontrol altına almak ve salgının tekrarlanmaması için önlem almaktır. Çalışmanın bir diğer amacı da sahada karşılaşılan zorlukları ve salgına müdahalenin akışını ortaya koymaktır.Yöntem: İnceleme için yüz yüze anket uygulanmak istenmiş ancak bölgenin fındık toplama zamanı olması ve kurban bayramı tatili döneminin başlaması nedeni ile vakalara ulaşılamayacağı anlaşılmıştır. Yüz yüze veri toplama çalışması yapılamamış olup vaka tespiti için hastane kayıtları kullanılarak tanımlayıcı bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Şüpheli vaka, ilçedeki hastanelere 2023 Ağustos 2017 tarihleri arasında ABE ilişkili ICD-10; A09, R11 veya K52.8/9 tanı kodlarıyla başvuran kişidir. Otuz adet su örneğinin mikrobiyolojik, iki su örneğinin virolojik, yedi adet gaita örneğinin mikrobiyolojik, parazitolojik ve virolojik incelemeleri yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Ünye’deki hastanelerden 1092 şüpheli vaka tespiti yapılmıştır ilçe nüfusu: 125722 . En sık tanı kodu R11: bulantı ve kusmadır %41 . Hastaların %53’ü kadındır. 125722 . Most common diagnostic code was R11: nausea and vomiting 41% . Fifty-three percent of cases were female. Mean age was 28.0±18.5 and median value was 25 Min.: 0-Max.: 86 . Epidemic curve revealed personto-person transmission with propagated peaks. There was no clustering in a certain neighborhood nor common food exposure. Environmental investigation showed that structure of water tanks didn’t comply with regulations and chlorine levels were inadequate. Escherichia coli was detected in ten water samples, coexistence of E.coli and Clostridium perfringens was detected in two samples. No virus was detected in two water samples. Norovirus was detected in six stool specimens, while bacteriological, parasitological examination revealed no detected pathogen. Decrease in cases was observed after hyperchlorination.Conclusion: Results of microbiological examinations that showed contamination in water, sudden increase of cases and it’s spread throughout district along with results of clinical samples, indicated that outbreak was a norovirus-associated water-borne outbreak. In order to avoid gastroenteritis outbreaks,regular chlorination, investigation of the causes for contamination, to examine water tanks/networks and improvement for detected problems in case of detected pathogens or low chlorine levels in routine water-inspections, prior to an increase in cases, were recommended. It was thought that portable detection methods or provincialbased analysis centers for norovirus-related analyses are necessities for conducting pathogen-specific, evidencebased interventions. For public health action, decisions were taken on issues such as general hygiene education, hospital preparedness and hyperchlorination

Epidemiological Approach, Control Measures and Challenges of a Norovirus-Associated Waterborne Outbreak in Unye District in August 2017

Objective: There were 1426 acute gastroenteritis hospital admissions in Unye district between 20-23 August 2017. Aim of this investigation conducted by field epidemiology unit was to identify possible reasons for the increase of cases, control probable sources and take preventive measures to prevent re-occurrence of the outbreak. Further aim of this study was revealing the difficulties encountered on the field and the flow of this intervention.Methods: A face-to-face survey was intended but as it was hazelnut harvesting period of district and the beginning of a national holiday, it was understood that it wouldn’t be possible to reach the cases. The survey couldn’t be carried out, for case detection, a descriptive study using hospital records was conducted. The suspected case was a person admitted to district hospitals between 20-23 August 2017 with gastroenteritis related ICD-10 codes: A09, R11 or K52.8/9. Microbiological tests for 30; virological tests for two water samples; microbiological, parasitological and virological tests for seven stool samples were investigated.Results: A total of 1092 suspected cases were identified from hospitals in Ünye district population: sağlık sorunlarından olup akut gastroenterit sporadik Gastroenteritler günümüzde hala en çok rastlanan GIRIŞ 125722 . Most common diagnostic code was R11: nausea and vomiting 41% . Fifty-three percent of cases were female. Mean age was 28.0±18.5 and median value was 25 Min.: 0-Max.: 86 . Epidemic curve revealed personto-person transmission with propagated peaks. There was no clustering in a certain neighborhood nor common food exposure. Environmental investigation showed that structure of water tanks didn’t comply with regulations and chlorine levels were inadequate. Escherichia coli was detected in ten water samples, coexistence of E.coli and Clostridium perfringens was detected in two samples. No virus was detected in two water samples. Norovirus was detected in six stool specimens, while bacteriological, parasitological examination revealed no detected pathogen. Decrease in cases was observed after hyperchlorination.Conclusion: Results of microbiological examinations that showed contamination in water, sudden increase of cases and it’s spread throughout district along with results of clinical samples, indicated that outbreak was a norovirus-associated water-borne outbreak. In order to avoid gastroenteritis outbreaks,regular chlorination, investigation of the causes for contamination, to examine water tanks/networks and improvement for detected problems in case of detected pathogens or low chlorine levels in routine water-inspections, prior to an increase in cases, were recommended. It was thought that portable detection methods or provincialbased analysis centers for norovirus-related analyses are necessities for conducting pathogen-specific, evidencebased interventions. For public health action, decisions were taken on issues such as general hygiene education, hospital preparedness and hyperchlorination


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Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 0377-9777
  • Başlangıç: 1938
  • Yayıncı: Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu
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