Amerikan arşiv belgelerinde Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerinin başlaması, 1830 tarihli ticaret ve Seyrüsefayin antlaşması

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ile Osmanlı İmparatorluğu arasındaki ilk resmi ilişkiler Mağrip topraklarında başlamıştı. Yeni kurulan ve hızla sanayileşen Amerikan Devleti'nin geniş Osmanlı pazarları dikkatini çekmekte gecikmedi. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu coğrafyasında hızla yayılım gösteren Avrupa kapitalizmine katılmakta gecikmek istemeyen Amerikan hükümet yetkilileri ilişkilere resmiyet kazandıracak bir ticaret antlaşması için girişimlerde bulunmaya başladı. Uzun süren müzakereler sonrasında imzalanan antlaşma ile Amerika Devleti ticari kazançlarının yanında hukuki imtiyazlar başka bir deyişle kapitüler haklar da elde etmişti. Daha sonraki yıllarda, 1830 Antlaşması ile verilen kapitüler haklar ve Antlaşmanın tercüme farkları iki ülke arasında ilişkileri kesilme noktasına götüren sorunlara neden olacaktır.

With American Archive Documents commencement or Turkish American relations treaty of commerce and navigation signed on 1830

The first official relations between US and Ottoman Empire had started in Maghreb Lands. Large Ottoman lands without any delay had attracted the attention of US, who newly founded and achieved a fast industrialization. US Government who did not want to miss joining accelerated European Capitalism that occupying Ottoman lands, to sign a trade and navigation agreement without losing time begun to initiate to negotiate with Ottoman Statesmen. After long lasted negotiations with signed agreement beside commercial achievements US also had handled some important judicial privileges in other saying capitulary rights had been gifted to US. These capitulary rights and translation differences of the 1830 Agreement will cause crucial problems that sometime will bring two country's relations at the edge of cessation.


  • Süreli Yayınlar
  • Akkuş, Yakup, "Çağdaş İktisadi Düşüncelerde Sol Perspektifler, (Asya Tipi Üretim Tarzı, Bağımlılık Kuramı, Modern Dünya Sistemleri Teorisi", Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 168, Mayıs-Haziran 2007.
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  • Paullin, Charles Oscar, Diplomatic Negotiations of American Naval Officers 1778-1883, Baltimore; The Johns Hopkins Press, 1912.
  • Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı, Osmanlı Tarihi, II. Selim'in Tahta Çıkışından 1699 Karlofça Antlaşmasına Kadar, II. Cilt, I. Kısım, 6. Baskı, Türk Tarihi Kurumu, Ankara, 2003.
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  • Arşiv Belgeleri
  • United States Congress Records (USCR).
  • The 5th Congress, December 2, Washington, 1817.
  • Mr. Adams to Mr. Luriottis, August 18, Washington, 1922.
  • Mr. J.Q. Adams, Secretary of State-Extract, Constantinople, December 27, 1823.
  • Resolution Submitted by Mr. Webster, December, 8, 1823, January 20, 1824.
  • Sympathy for Greeks, 18th Congress, Doc. No. 364, Januaiy 2, 1924.
  • Sympathy for the Greeks, Memorial, 18th Congress, Doc. No. 360, Januaiy 5, 1924.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. English to Mr. Adams-Extract, on board the French galette Franscois and Henriette, bound from Constantinople to Smyrna, February 8, 1824.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. English to Mr. J.Q. Adams Secretaiy of State-Extract, Constantinople, December 27, 1823.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. Bra-dish to Mr. Adams, Secretaiy of State, Constantinople, December 20, 1820.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. Bra-dish to Mr. Novani, Pera, February 7, 1821.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. Adams to Mr. G.B. English, April 2, Washington, 1823.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. G.B. English to Mr. Adams, Marseilles, August 6, 1823.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extract of a letter from Mr. G.B. English to Mr. J.Q. Adams dated, Constantinople, November 23, 1823.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. English to Message from the President of the United States, Present Condition and Future Prospect of Greeks, Doc. No. 14, December 31, 1823.
  • President's Message, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, Doc. No. 378.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. English to Mr. Adams-Extract, May 14, Washington, 1824.
  • Treaty Between United States and Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 304, February 9, Articles: I-IX, 1832.
  • The 18th Congress, 2nd Session, Doc. No: 378, Message of the President of the US at the Commencement of the Session, Communicated to the Congress, December 8, 1824.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. Adams, Secretaiy of State, to G.B. English Esq, Secret, Department of State, January 3, Washington, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. Adams, Secretary of State, to Commodore John Rodgers, Secret, Department of State, February 7, Washington, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Translation, Capitulations or ancient and new treaties between the Court of France and the Ottoman Porte, renewed and augmented in the year of Jesus Christ, 1740 and of the Hegira, 1153.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Secretaiy of State to Commodore Rodgers, Private, Department of State, September 6, Washington, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Commodore Rodgers to Mr. Clay-Extract, Secret, U.S. Ship North Carolina, Smyrna, August 31, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress/Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Commodore Rodgers to the Captain Pasha, U.S. Ship North Carolina, off the island of Hydra, September 20, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Commodore Rodgers to Mr. Clay-Extract, U.S. Ship North Carolina, Gibraltar Bay, October 14, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Commodore Rodgers to Mr. Clay-Extract, U.S. Ship North Carolina, Gibraltar Bay, October 14, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Commodore Rodgers to Mr. Clay, Secretary of State, U.S. Ship North Carolina, Gibraltar Bay, November 5, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extract from a letter of Mr. Offley, Consul of United States at Smyrna, to Commodore Rodgers, dated, Smyrna, November 30, 1825; October 14, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extract from a letter of Mr. Offley, Consul of United States at Smyrna, to Commodore Rodgers, dated, Smyrna, November 30, 1825, s. 46. Correspondonce of Mr. Offley, United States' Consul at Smyrna, with the Department of State, Smyrna, November 25, 1825.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Captain Rodgers to Mr. Clay, US Ship North Carolina, (Vourla, Asia Minor) July 19, 1826.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extracts of a letter from Commodore Rodgers to Mr. Clay, US Ship North Carolina, Malta February, 14, 1827.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extract-Mr. Offley to Mr. Clay, Smyrna, November 26, 1827.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extract-Mr. Offley to mr. Clay, Smyrna, February, 17, 1828.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. Bra-dish to Mr. Novani, Summaiy narrative of communications with the Sublime Porte, Translation, Pera, at Constantinople, January 24, 1828.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Extract-Mr. Offley to mr. Clay, Smyrna, Translation of Turkish Paper, February, 7, 1828.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. Mr. John Quincy Adams President of United States of America to all to whom thfese presents shall come, greeting.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. James Biddle, David Offley, and Charles Rhind Equires, Department of State, 12 September 1829, Washington.
  • Treaty Between United States and Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 304, February 9, 1832.
  • Senate, Report for 1880, by Ed. A. Van Dyck, US Consular Clerk at Cairo, Part I, The Capitulations, Doc No: 3, April 7, 1881.
  • Treaty Between United States and Sublime Porte, Articles, Doc. No. 304, February 9, 1832.
  • Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Twenty First Congress Second Session, December 28, 1830, US 1789-1901, Doc No: 231, Washington, 1901.
  • The 22nd Congress, 1st Session, Doc. No: 2, Message from the President of the US to the two Houses of Congress, December 4, Washington, 1832.
  • The 22nd Congress, 1st Session, Doc. No: 303, Turkish Mission, January 18, Washington, 1832.
  • Journal of the House of the Representatives of the United States (JHRUS).
  • The 20th Congress, December 3, Washington, 1827.
  • The 20th Congress, 2nd Session, December 1, Washington, 1828.
  • The 2Qth Congress, 2nd Session, December 1, Washington, 1828.
  • The 22nd Congress, Treaty with Sublime Porte, Doc. No. 250, May 29, 1832. John Quincy Adams to Mr. David Offtey, a, July 28, 1828.
  • The 21st Congress, 2nd Session, December 6, Washington, 1830.
  • The 31st Congress, Doc. No: 72, Regulations of the Consular Courts of the USA in China, Together with the Act of the Congress, August 11, 1848, Department of State, Legation of the USA, Canton, China, November 29, 1848.