The Impact of In-house Guidelines on Subtitle Quality: A Sample Study of TED Translators in the FAR Model

Abstract Audiovisual Translation develops and expands around products with a multi-layered structure; nevertheless, the conclusions that the quality of subtitling is negatively affected by the existence of different practices and the adoption of heterogeneous approaches have paved the way for steps taken for standardization. In this direction, codes on subtitling norms have been produced, research has been conducted on different scales and homogeneity in subtitles has been tried to be achieved. Generalized subtitling standards, which failed to meet the requirements of each translation project, have resulted in the introduction of localized in- house translation guidelines prepared specifically for the translation task. Although in-house guidelines that address technical, linguistic and stylistic considerations of subtitling in the light of local norms are much more functional than generalized guidelines in ensuring quality, it has remained unclear to what extent these guidelines are able to fulfil this function. This study has examined whether the subtitling rules set by the in-house guidelines for TED's crowdsourced translation project are followed according to the FAR Model (2017) proposed by Jan Pedersen, focusing on volunteers’ translations into Turkish. The audiovisual material sampled from the project have first been subjected to qualitative analysis under the Readability category of this Model, and then quantitative results have been evaluated in terms of subtitle quality. The results have revealed that the in-house guidelines are not able to bridge the gap between volunteers with different translation backgrounds, prevent in-group variation, and ensure a certain level of quality, suggesting insights for crowdsourcing projects as well.

The Impact of In-house Guidelines on Subtitle Quality: A Sample Study of TED Translators in the FAR Model

Abstract Audiovisual Translation develops and expands around products with a multi-layered structure; nevertheless, the conclusions that the quality of subtitling is negatively affected by the existence of different practices and the adoption of heterogeneous approaches have paved the way for steps taken for standardization. In this direction, codes on subtitling norms have been produced, research has been conducted on different scales and homogeneity in subtitles has been tried to be achieved. Generalized subtitling standards, which failed to meet the requirements of each translation project, have resulted in the introduction of localized in- house translation guidelines prepared specifically for the translation task. Although in-house guidelines that address technical, linguistic and stylistic considerations of subtitling in the light of local norms are much more functional than generalized guidelines in ensuring quality, it has remained unclear to what extent these guidelines are able to fulfil this function. This study has examined whether the subtitling rules set by the in-house guidelines for TED's crowdsourced translation project are followed according to the FAR Model (2017) proposed by Jan Pedersen, focusing on volunteers’ translations into Turkish. The audiovisual material sampled from the project have first been subjected to qualitative analysis under the Readability category of this Model, and then quantitative results have been evaluated in terms of subtitle quality. The results have revealed that the in-house guidelines are not able to bridge the gap between volunteers with different translation backgrounds, prevent in-group variation, and ensure a certain level of quality, suggesting insights for crowdsourcing projects as well.


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