Kronik adenotonsillit ile kronik adenotonsiller hipertrofi arasındaki klinik ve histopatolojik farklılıklar

Amaç: Kronik adenotonsillit ile adenotonsiller hipertrofiarasındaki klinik ve histopatolojik farkları ortaya koymayıamaçladık.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Kronik adenotonsillitli 286 ve adenotonsiller hipertrofili 197 hasta prospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Her ikigrubun klinik özellikleri ve tonsillektomi materyallerindekihistopatolojik bulgular karflılafltırıldı. Bulgular: Kronik adenotonsillitli hastaların yafl ortalaması daha yüksek bulundu p

Differences in clinical and histopathologic features between chronic adenotonsillitis and chronic adenotonsillar hypertrophy

Objectives: This study sought to determine the clinical and histopathological differences between chronic adenotonsilli­ tis and chronic adenotonsillar hypertrophy.Patients and Methods: This prospective study included 286 patients 147 males, 139 females; mean age 16.6 years; range 3 to 45 years with chronic adenotonsillitis and 197 patients 98 males, 99 females; mean age 9.5 years; range 2 to 18 years with adenotonsillar hypertrophy.Clinical and histopathological findings were compared.Results: The mean age was significantly higher p<0.001 and acute attacks of fever, dysphagia, and sore throat were more frequent in chronic adenotonsillitis. Patients with ade­ notonsillar hypertrophy more commonly manifested snoring, mouth breathing, and dispnea. Physical examination showed hyperemia of the anterior plica in 93% and 15% in chronic adenotonsillitis and adenotonsillar hypertrophy, respectively.Histopathologically, the former was more commonly associat- ed with severe lymphocyte infiltration to surface epithelium, surface epithelial defects, plasma cells, atrophy, and fibrosis.The sole outvveighing difference in favor of chronic adenoton­ sillar hypertrophy was increased germinal centers.Conclusion: Clinical and histopathologic findings suggest that chronic adenotonsillitis and chronic adenoton­ sillar hypertrophy may be diverse diseases requiring different approaches in treatment.


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