Afyonkarahisar’da Yayılış Gösteren Stachys byzantina (Lamiaceae)’nın Morfolojik, Anatomik ve Ekolojik Özellikleri

Özet Bu çalışmada, Afyonkarahisar ve çevresinde doğal yayılış gösteren Stachys byzantina C. Koch' nın morfolojik, anatomik ve ekolojik özellikleri tespit edildi. Bitkinin kökleri odunsu ve çok yıllık; dışı kahverengi kabukla çevrilidir. Gövdesinde lanat-villos(yünsü) tipte tüyler bulunur. Yaprakları obovat, kenarları krenat dişlidir. Çiçekleri zigomorf simetrili, infloresens tipi bileşik rasem yani panikuladır. Meyvede 4 adet küçük fındıksı tohum bulunur. Kök enine kesitlerinde dıştan içe doğru parçalanmış periderm, korteks, endodermis, floem, yassı dikdörtgenimsi hücreli kambiyum ve ksilem bulunmakta olup, öz bölgesi tamamen ksilem elemanları ile kaplıdır. Gövde 4 köşeli, peridermsiz ve öz geniş bir alanı kaplar. Yaprak bifasiyal, amfistomatik, iletim demetinin etrafı sklerankimatik hücrelerle çevrilidir. Stoma indeks oranı 0.927'dir. Stachys byzantina’nın yetiştiği topraklar tınlı, killi-tın ve kil; tuzsuz; pH orta asitli ve hafif alkali; CaCO3 bakımından az kireçli ve pek çok kireçli; azot miktarı bakımından düşük ve çok iyi; çok fakir ve zengin dereceli fosforlu; eksik ve yeterli potasyumlu; yeterli ve yetersiz demirli; yeterli ve yetersiz bakırlı, orta ve yeterli çinkolu; magnezyum açısından yeterli topraklarda yayılış göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Stachys byzantina C. Koch, Morfoloji, Anatomi, Ekoloji, Afyonkarahisar The Morphological, Anatomical and Ecological Features of Stachys byzantina (Lamiaceae) Naturally Distributed in Afyonkarahisar Abstract In this study, the morphological, anatomical and ecological features of Stachys byzantina C. Koch (Lamiaceae) naturally distributed in Afyonkarahisar were determined. The roots are perennial, woody and surrounded with brown barks. The stem has tomentose and lanate-villose hairs. Leaves are obovate and their edges are crenata. Flowers have zygomorphic symmetry and panicle inflorence type. Four nutlet type seeds are present in the fruit. In root cross-section, from the outside to inward, fragmented periderm, cortex, endodermis, phloem, flattened rectangular cambium and xylem cells is located. Pith is completely covered with the xylem elements. Stem is four cornered, no periderm, and has large pith. Bifacial leaves are amphistomatic and scleranchymatous cells surround vascular bundles. The ratio of stomata index is 0.927. Physical properties of soil of Stachys byzantina is loamy, clayey-loamy and clayey, also chemical properties of it are salt-free, medium acidic and slightly alkaline pH; little by little, and much more CaCO3; in terms of the amount of nitrogen is low and very good; phosphorus grade is very poor and rich; sufficent and insufficient potassium; sufficent and insufficient iron; sufficent and insufficient copper; medium and enough zinc; sufficient quantities of magnesium minerals. Key Words: Stachys byzantina C. Koch, Morphology, Anatomy, Ecology, Afyonkarahisar


In this study, the morphological, anatomical and ecological features of Stachys byzantina C. Koch (Lamiaceae) naturally distributed in Afyonkarahisar were determined. The roots are perennial, woody and surrounded with brown barks. The stem has tomentose and lanate-villose hairs. Leaves are obovate and their edges are crenata. Flowers have zygomorphic symmetry and panicle inflorence type. Four nutlet type seeds are present in the fruit. In root cross-section, from the outside to inward, fragmented periderm, cortex, endodermis, phloem, flattened rectangular cambium and xylem cells is located. Pith is completely covered with the xylem elements. Stem is four cornered, no periderm, and has large pith. Bifacial leaves are amphistomatic and scleranchymatous cells surround vascular bundles. The ratio of stomata index is 0.927. Physical properties of soil of Stachys byzantina is loamy, clayey-loamy and clayey, also chemical properties of it are salt-free, medium acidic and slightly alkaline pH; little by little, and much more CaCO3; in terms of the amount of nitrogen is low and very good; phosphorus grade is very poor and rich; sufficent and insufficient potassium; sufficent and insufficient iron; sufficent and insufficient copper; medium and enough zinc; sufficient quantities of magnesium minerals



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