The Effect of Different Germination Times on Some Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties of Green Lentil Sprouts

In the developing, changing and constantly renewing food and beverage sector, different nutrition trends are becoming more important day by day. One of these is the consumption of germinated legumes, which has attracted attention in the world recently and has many practitioners. The germination process is an effective process on the nutritional values of legumes and can make them even more valuable. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of germination time (3, 6, 9 days) on some nutritional and anti-nutritional contents contained in green lentils sprouts. Both sprouting period and cultivars significantly influenced the nutritional quality of lentil sprouts. The values of protein, starch, phytic acid, condensed tannins, total phenolic, total flavonoid, free radical scavenging activity contents of sprouting periods ranged between 26.4 (Raw) to 27.8% (9 day), 48.8 (raw) to 45.5% (9 day), 0.59 (6 days) to 1.09% (raw), 0.60 (3 days) to 0.77% (9 days), 3.97 (raw) to 10.24 mg GA/g (9 days), 0.55 (raw) 4.58 mg QE/g (9 days), 9.32 (raw) to 13.50% (9 day), respectively. The highest ash, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn contents were obtained from raw grains with 2.76%, 5.96 mg 100g-1, 0.95 mg 100g-1, 1.34 mg 100g-1 and 4.09 mg 100g-1 values. Germination process improved quality of lentils by enhancing the nutritive value and digestibility of nutrients and reducing the anti-nutrients.


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