Buzlukbaşı Sarnıcı'na ait iki vakfiye

Bugün İstanbul yolu üzerinde Buzlukbaşı mevki’inde yer alan sarnıcın, şimdiye kadar yapıldığı tarih ve yaptıranı hakkında herhangi bir bilgi bulunmuyordu. Bu çalışma ile, Konya şer’iye sicillerinden tespit edilen iki ayrı vakfiye sayesinde, Buzlukbaşı Sarnıcı olarak bilinen söz konusu sarnıcın bugüne kadar karanlıkta kalan yönleri ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Vakfiyelere göre Konyalı hayırseverlerden olup Küçük Sinanperâkende Mahallesi’nden el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi ibn Mustafa adlı şahıs, yer altından toplanan sularıyla, gelip geçenlerin faydalanmaları için bir sarnıç ve onun bitişiğinde bir taş musluk yaptırmıştır. Ayrıca bu tesislerin hizmetlerini sürdürebilmeleri için kendi malından ve bazı hayırseverlerin katkılarıyla, ilk önce 16 Ağustos 1810 tarihli vakfiye ile 1.500 guruş; daha sonra da 1 Ağustos 1824 tarihli vakfiye ile 2.500 guruş vakfetmek suretiyle, yaptırmış olduğu sarnıç ve musluğun hizmetlerini devam ettirmelerini sağlamıştır. Vâkıf el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi, kendi yaptırdığı sarnıç ve musluğa para vakfederek kurmuş olduğu vakfının mütevelliliğini, hayatta oldukça kendisinin yürütmesini, ölümünden sonra ise bu görevi avlâdının, avlâd-ı evlâdının ve evlâd-ı evlâd-ı evlâdının nesilden nesile geçecek şekilde, erkek ve kızların ortaklaşa olarak yapmasını şart koşmuştur. Bunun yanında sarnıç ve musluk için vakfetmiş olduğu paranın mütevelli tarafından sağlam ve güvenilir kefiller ile dindar ve güvenilir kimselere % 15’den fâize verilmesini; elde edilecek gelirden her sene sarnıç ve musluğun gerekli bakım ve tamirlerinin yapılarak görevlilerin ücretlerinin verilmesini; harcamalardan arta kalan paranın ise yarısının vakfın anaparasına katılmasını, kalan diğer yarısının ise evlâdı arasında eşit şekilde paylaşılmasını istemiştir.

Two charters of donation for Buzlukbaşi Cistern

Water has a prominent place in Turkish-Islam communities. Therefore, benefactors built public fountains, pools, waterways, cisterns and faucets and put them into service of the people and animals to meet their water needs. One way of charity pertaining water is building cisterns. Cisterns were widely used in Anatolia both in the Seljuk Era and Ottoman Era. As it is known, cisterns are underground water reservoirs which are dig and surrounded with stones to accumulate rain and snow waters. el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi ibn Mustafa is one of the benefactors from Küçük Sinanperâkende Quarter of Konya and he contributed to charities by having a cistern and a fountain built on Istanbul highway in the locality named as Buzlukbaşı and by donating money for their maintenance. Neither the benefactor nor the date of construction of the cistern which is now in Buzlukbaşı locality on Konya-Akşehir highway and in Prof. Dr. Erol Güngör Park which was designed by Konya Metropolitan Municipality was known. The only thing known about it is that it was built in 19th century. Thanks to this study, we can now know who the benefactor is and the date on which it was built, we cannot find the constructor. This study about Buzlukbaşı cistern is based on two charters of donations found in Konya Şer’iye Sicil (records in Ottoman Era). The first of these two charters is recorded on page 90 of Konya Şer’iye Sicil with number 69 and dated on 15 Recep 1225 / 16 August 1810; the second one recorded on the page 8 of Konya Şer’iye Sicil numerated as 71 dated on 5 Zilhicce 1239 / 1 August 1824. el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi ibn Mustafâ had a cistern and a stone fountain by the cistern built by the Istanbul highwaytoday known as Buzlukbaşı- for the benefactions of the passersby and for the maintenance and sustenance of the service of the cistern and the faucet he donated 1.500 guruş (an Ottoman denomination) from his own property and with the contributions from some other benefactors on 16 August 1810 and later on 1 August 1824 he donated 2.500 guruş. By donating to the cistern and fountain he had built, el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi conditioned that he would be the chairman of the board trustee as long as he lived. He also wanted that his chairmanship pass on and to be shared by his male and female descendents Besides, he appointed the lecturers from Teacher School in Küçük Sinanperâkende Quarter-which was also founded by him-as the minister of the charity he established for the cistern. Moreover, he conditioned that the money he donated for the cistern and fountain to be given to reliable guarantors and righteous and reliable people at 15 % interest and the income from this is to be spend for the maintenance of the cistern and fountain, and the charity minister to be paid 5 akçes (an Ottoman denomination) daily, and half the remaining money-after maintenance and wage expenses- to be added to the capital of the charity and the other half to be shared by his children equally. It is seen that with the second charter of charity, el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi is improving the charity he founded with the first charter of donation. Accordingly, while Hâfız Mehmed Efendi has a cistern and fountain built for the benefaction of the passerby on Istanbul highway by donating 1.500 guruş in cash, this time he donated 2.500 guruş. Yet, whether this amount is a 1000 addition to previously donated 1.500 guruş or a new donation of 2.500 guruş is not stated in the charter. Besides Mehmed Efendi’s own money, this amount also includes donations from some other benefactors. In this charter, el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi did not make crucial changes in the conditions of the previous charter. Accordingly, he conditioned that he be the chairman of the charity and the conditions not be changed as long as he lives, and his child and his descendents to have equal austerity after his death, and his son-in-law es-Seyyid Mustafâ Efendi ibn Nasûh be the minister of the charity. Besides, he also wanted the money he donated to be lend at interest at 15 %, and the money gathered every year to be spent for the maintenance of not only the cistern and the fountain he consecrated but also the fountain in Bağıkutlu village on İstanbul Highway and the fountain by the caravanserai on Akyokuş way, the minister of charity to be given five akçe daily wage, and the half of the remaining money to be added to the capital of the charity, and the other half to be shared among his children equally. There is no more information about the identity of el-Hâc Hâfız Mehmed Efendi other than stated in the charter. However, the epithet “el-Hac” indicates that he is one of the outstanding richest people in the city, and the epithets “Hafız” and “Efendi” indicates that he is one the religious scholars of his time. At that time one’s being able to go to pilgrimage for such a long time as 8 to 9 months can be taken as his having enough economic power and being rich. It is known that the title “Hafız” is given to people who memorize and keep the whole Qur’an in their memory, and the title “Efendi” is mostly used for people who have received education and civility.


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