the FUndamentalIst’s defInItIons of the termInology of word’s topIcs ReadIng In the structurIng of the lexIcal meanIng

This study is an attempt to review the efforts of fundamentalist scientists (al-osoliyu: n) in the preparation of the lexical meanings which they call «the names of words» or the terminology of word’s topics like (general [-al-a:m], particular [-alh’a:S], the common [almuS’tarak], absolute [almuTlaq], restricted [almuqayad] and others). It is a terminologies of their own which they needed it to describe the words of the Islamic ruling and it’s significances, and they seek to organize it, and to distribute it’s levels, by a structured semantic treatment seems approach – in some of it’s methodological procedures – to the treatments covered by some contemporary scholars interested in the semantic and lexical researches, especially the westerners. The importance of this fundamentalist treatment it is issued by a particular linguistic vision, and a distinctive functional mechanism and it represents a precise strategy to understand the appointed legal discourse, and to extract it’s provisions and purposes. The purpose of this study is to identify the features of this strategy, which we can summe up it’s theme in: an original fundamentalist attempt to structuring the lexical meaning

the FUndamentalIst’s defInItIons of the termInology of word’s topIcs ReadIng In the structurIng of the lexIcal meanIng

This study is an attempt to review the efforts of fundamentalist scientists (al-osoliyu: n) in the preparation of the lexical meanings which they call «the names of words» or the terminology of word’s topics like (general [-al-a:m], particular [-alh’a:S], the common [almuS’tarak], absolute [almuTlaq], restricted [almuqayad] and others). It is a terminologies of their own which they needed it to describe the words of the Islamic ruling and it’s significances, and they seek to organize it, and to distribute it’s levels, by a structured semantic treatment seems approach – in some of it’s methodological procedures – to the treatments covered by some contemporary scholars interested in the semantic and lexical researches, especially the westerners. The importance of this fundamentalist treatment it is issued by a particular linguistic vision, and a distinctive functional mechanism and it represents a precise strategy to understand the appointed legal discourse, and to extract it’s provisions and purposes. The purpose of this study is to identify the features of this strategy, which we can summe up it’s theme in: an original fundamentalist attempt to structuring the lexical meaning


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