Conceptually Examination of the Studies on Writing Mistakes in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

Conceptually Examination of the Studies on Writing Mistakes in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

Articles, master thesis and PhD theses on writing mistakes in teaching Turkish as a foreign language are analyzed in this research conducted through qualitative methods. Studies on writing mistakes in Turkish texts written by learners as a foreign or secondary language constitute paradigm of this research; are handled for analysis of concepts used in classification of type, numerical rates to language levels, place conducted and writing mistakes. The total 88 studies on this research show that 5 PhD theses constitute 5,6% of these studies, 31 master theses constitute 35,2% and 52 articles constitute 59% . There are 4 PhD theses in Türkiye, 1 PhD thesis in abroad; 23 master theses in Türkiye, 8 master theses in abroad; 34 of articles in Türkiye, 18 articles in abroad. 61 studies conducted on determining writing mistakes and being evaluated were conducted in Türkiye, 27 studies were in abroad. Mistake is used 2 times, incorrect is 4 in PhD theses; incorrect is 19 times, mistake is 10, problem is 5 times and incorrectness is 1 in the master theses; incorrect is 33 times, mistake is 26, problem is used 3 times, incorrectness is 5 and difficulty is used 2 times in the articles.


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