The purpose of this study is to compare values and lifestyles the consumers according to the frequency of visits to shopping centers. Furthermore, determining the lifestyles of the people who visit shopping centers is another object of the research. The questionnaire was used as data collection tool. The questionnaire contains questions to learn about participants' values, lifestyles and demographics. The population of the study consists of people over 17 years old and living in the Battalgazi and Yeşilyurt districts of Malatya. Kota sampling method, one of the non-random sampling methods, has been used as sampling method in the research. Data were collected from 450 individuals in the population and the data were analyzed by SPSS. The findings indicate that values and lifestyles of consumers differ according to their visiting frequency of shopping centers. From the value perspective, it has been seen that those who visit the shopping center "every day" predominate the values of happiness, pleasure, excitement and self-esteem in life. When it is evaluated in terms of lifestyle, it is seen that discount followers do not go to the shopping centers much, but consumers who follow brand and fashion trends, the innovations and technology and identified as a leader, visit the shopping center every day. The results of this research might bring a new perspective to administrations of shopping centers by showing what values and lifestyles motivate people to visit shopping centers. Results might play an important role in attracting more consumers to shopping centers. 


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