Communication is transfer, notification, correspondence of feelings, thoughts or knowledge to others in any way that may come to mind. Communication skills can be summarized as the form of sensitivity to verbal and non-verbal messages, effective listening, and effective response. Communication skills are very important, especially in the sense of understanding others and gaining sensitivity to seeing their feelings and thoughts by identifying with them. The issues that are gaining importance in the work environment are how the individuals form a relationship and communicate with one another as well as the need for having them possessing the professional knowledge and skills. Though communication skills are of particular importance in all occupational groups, it is more important in professions where people are in intensive communication. In the banking sector, which is part of the service sector, the communication skills of employees are extremely important because of the intensive communication with the people. Thus, the purpose of this research, is to determine the level of communication skills of the employees in the banking sector. In the implementation stage of this research face-to-face surveys were conducted with employees in the banks that are active in Edremit Bay region (including Edremit, Burhaniye, Gömeç, Ayvalık, Havran)  of Balıkesir province. To determine communication skills The Communication Skills Inventory (IBE) which was developed by Ersanlı and Balcı (1998) was used. SPSS statistical package program was used for the analyses. As a result of the analyses, various suggestions have been made to practitioners and academicians. 


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