The Chıld Who Crıes When She Smıles: A Cephalıc Tetanus Case Presentatıon

The Chıld Who Crıes When She Smıles: A Cephalıc Tetanus Case Presentatıon

Introduction: Tetanus is a preventable infectious disease with vaccination. Cephalic tetanus is the rarest form in which local tetanus can involve the cranial nerves. Case Report: In this case report, we aimed to evaluate a case of cephalic tetanus in a 16-month-old girl who had never been vaccinated and had an interesting clinical presentation. Discussion: We believe that this is the first case reported in the literature of cephalic tetanus in such a young child wherein the disease originated from a wound on the cheek mucosa. The clinical symptom presented in this case could only be associated with this disease (a child who cries when she smiles). Conclusion: In addition to detailed anamnesis and meticulous physical examination, the clinical symptoms that we have described for the first time in a child with cephalic tetanus should also be considered for early and accurate diagnosis.


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