DIANA GRIMWOOD - JONES DEREK HOPWOOD and J. D. PEARSON, Arab Islamic Bibliography. The Middle East Library Committee Guide, Susse 1977, XVII - 292 Sayfa. İç kapakta ek olarak: Based on Giuseppe Gabrieli's `Manuale di Bibliografia Musulmana' . With the assistance of J. P. C. Auchterloine, J. D. Latha

Some Interpretations Concerning the Relief Decoration of the Column-Capitals of the Kursi in the Mosque of Bozüyük


1979-Cilt: 43 - Sayı: 169


Diana Grimwood, Jones Derek Hopwood, J. D. Pearson, Arab Islamic Bibliography, Doğu Bilimciler

Mosque of Kasım Paşa, Bozüyük, Relief Decoration of the Column-Capitals, Güzelce Kasım Paşa, Taeschner, Riefstahl

41 28