İrfan ŞENCAN, Yasemin ÇAĞ, Oğuz KARABAY, Behice KURTARAN, Ertuğrul GÜÇLÜ, Aziz ÖĞÜTLÜ, Zehra DEMİRBAŞ, Dilek BULUT, Gülden Eser KARLIDAĞ, Merve Sefa SAYAR, Ezgi Gizem ŞİBAR, Oya Özlem EREN KUTSOYLU, Gülnur KUL, Serpil EROL, Begüm BEKTAŞ, Tülay ÜNVER ULUSOY, Semanur KUZİ, Meltem TASBAKAN, Özge YİĞİT,

Antibiotic use and Influencing Factors Among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter Point-Prevalence Study from Turkey

Antibiotic use and Influencing Factors Among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter Point-Prevalence Study from Turkey

Balkan Medical Journal

2022-Cilt: 39 - Sayı: 3


14 15

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