Süngercilik Endüstrisinde Hanehalkı Gelirleri: 19. YY İkinci Yarısı Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve 20. YY İlk Yarısı Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomisi'ne Dair Bulgular

Household Incomes in the Sponge Gathering Industry: Findings on the Late 19th Century Ottoman Empire and the Early 20th Century Turkish Republic Economy

Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi

2017-Cilt: 17 - Sayı: 36


Late 19th Century Ottoman Empire Economy, Early 20th Century Turkish Republic Economy, Household Incomes in Export-Oriented Industries, Natural Sponge Gathering Industry Exports, Sponge Gathering Diving Profession

126 103

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