A Critical Review of an Epistle Attributed to Idrîs-i Bidlîsî: Risâlat al-Khilâfa wa Âdâb al-Salâtîn wa al-Wuzarâ

This review discusses the authorship of the epistle, entitled Risâlat al-Khilâfa wa Âdâb al-Salâtîn wa al-Wuzarâ, which has been attributed to Idrîs-i Bidlîsî (1457-1520) in various secondary sources and proves that Bidlîsî was not, in fact, the author of this epistle. By revealing the true identity of the writer, this review draws attention to a series of critical mistakes that have resulted from the misattribution of the work to Bidlîsî.

A Critical Review of an Epistle Attributed to Idrîs-i Bidlîsî: Risâlat al-Khilâfa wa Âdâb al-Salâtîn wa al-Wuzarâ


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