A Bronze Bowl with Swivelling Handle from Şarhöyük – Dorylaion

The ancient site Şarhöyük – Dorylaion/Dorylaeum, being excavated since 1989, exhibits an almost uninterrupted settlement sequence between the Late Chalcolithic period and the end of the 12th century AD. One of the strata represented on the mound is the Late Phrygian / Achaemenian period with Late Classical – Early Hellenistic phases covering the layer. The bronze bowl with a rim band and swivelling handle was unearthed in a context lightly disturbed by the earliest construction phase of the Early Hellenistic period. The bowl attracts attention with its central rosette medallion, tongue pattern on the rim and animal headed terminals. It recalls the stylistic features of a period between the end of the 6th and the first quarter of the 4th century BC. The study on the context of the bowl, with the help of some intact vessels, suggests a later date, indicating that the bowl was in use or produced during the midst of the second half of the 4th century BC. The details of the bowl may indicate a Middle/Late Achaemenid workmanship, which is yet unknown to us


  • Amandry 1958 Amandry, P., “Orfèvrerie Achéménide”, Antike Kunst, 1. Jahrg., H. 1. 9-23. Balabanov 2009 Balabanov, P., “The Origin of Amphorae with Englyphic Stamps”, Production and Trade of Amphorae in the Black Sea (ed. D. K. Tezgör – N. Inaishvili), Varia Anatolica 21, 19-22