The apiculture sector turned to be a fast-growing commercial field but beekeepers requiring strenuous efforts and arduous work were not addressed adequately in terms of job safety, health, and nutrition. This study is to assess the conditions of nutrition, health and job safety in the context of a pilot study. This cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out using survey and observation on 276 stationary and migratory beekeepers registered with the Kayseri Beekeepers Association in 14 districts of Kayseri, in the context of a pilot study. The study ascertained that beekeepers had in general a low level of income, 31.9% of beekeepers were suffering from chronic diseases and only 24.6% of beekeepers had regular health checks. Risky health behaviors were common among beekeepers. 19.8% declared that their health conditions were affected negatively and 39.6% stated that their psychology was adversely influenced on performing this profession. Also, beekeepers were troubled by challenges in terms of water and food security. The study proposes the establishment of a system in which, as in the case of other fields of work, beekeepers would be offered economic, health, and nourishment support, be provided with safe working conditions, and have access to periodic health examinations.


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