Bledophilia and bledophobia as possible “answers” to exilience

Without being properly exiled, forced for political, ideological or religious reasons to leave their “matrie”, the protagonists (parents and children) of the novels from Maghrebian immigration all live a painful, sometimes exhausting, exile experience. Far from their home country or the land of their origin, they generally relate to it in two ways. On the one hand, there are those who remain strongly attached to their homeland or who carry it in their hearts as unalterable inheritance transmitted by their parents; they dream of the great return, which they succeed in accomplishing (sometimes only after their death) or not; they so venerate this distant land that they end up becoming unaware of the passing of time and the transformations (even alterations) that all that has remained there (objects, people) suffered. On the other hand, there are those who, for different reasons, want to erase their memories, who are striving (at all costs) to detach themselves from a stormy past, a hostile country (even enemy) to which nothing connects them except contempt, fear or disgust. To illustrate these two possible resolutions in the face of “exilience” - bledophilia and “bledophobia” - we rely on the novels Méchamment berbère by Minna Sif (1997), Mohand, le harki by Hadjila Kemoum (2003), Kiffe kiffe demain by Faïza Guène (2004), Pieds-Blancs by Houda Rouane (2006) and Un homme, ça ne pleure pas by Faïza Guène (2014).


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