Görsel Geri Bildirimin Basketbol Becerilerinin Öğretiminde Etkisi

Bu çalışma basketbol becerilerinin öğretiminde görsel (video) geri bildirimin akademik

The Effect of Visual Feedback in Teaching Basketball Skills

This study was realized to investigate whether there is any effect of visual (video) feedback on the academic achievement of 41 volunteer students (23 male, 18 female )in the teaching basketball skills. Student t test was applied to the data obtained for independent groups. According to the participation in visual feedback activities, there was no significant difference between academic achievements of female experimental and control groups (p>0.05) while significant differences were detected statistically (p<0.05) between academic achievements of male experimental and control groups. As a result, the application of visual feedback was recommended for teaching all skill teaching since it has positive effects on the status of academic achievement.


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