Kefirin lipid peroksidasyonuna etkilerinin araştırılması

Bu çalışmada, CC14, CC14 + vitamin E ve CC14 + kefir verilen farelerin eritrosit paketi ve kan plazmasında lipid peroksidasyon düzeyi redükte glutatyon (GSH) miktarı, glutatyon peroksidaz (GSH-Px) ve katalaz (ÇAT) enzim aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmada 40 adet Swiss albino erkek fare kullanıldı. Fareler deneme öncesi bir hafta adaptasyon sağlamak amacıyla standart fare yemi ve su ile ad libitum beslendi. Sonra tesadüfi olarak 4 eşit gruba ayrılan hayvanlara oral yolla 7 hafta boyunca günlük olarak her gün saat 9.00 da I. Gruba (kontrol n: 10) standart fare yemi + su, II. Gruba (n: 10) 1.5 ml/kg CC14, III. Gruba (n:10) 1.5 ml/kg $CCl_4$ + 30 ml/kg kefir, IV. Gruba (n:10) ise 1.5 ml/kg $CCl_4$ + vitamin E 250 mg/kg (DL $\alpha$ -tocopherol asetat) verildi. Kefir örneklerinde genel aerop mezofilik canlı, laktik asit bakterileri, laktik streptokok, enterokok, total koliform ve maya sayıları sırasıyla $1.04x10^9$ kob/ml, $9.87X10^8$ kob/ml, $4.38x10^8$ kob/ml, $7.80x10^4$ kob/ml, 0 kob/ml ve $1.26 x10^5$ kob/ml olarak bulundu. Kefir ve vitamin E uygulanan gruplarda plazma MDA düzeyleri anlamlı derecede düşük (p

The investigation of kefir effect onlipid peroxidation

The aim of work was to determine the levels of lipid peroxidation in erytrocyte pack and blood plasma by measuring the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT) and to estabilish the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) in the red blood cells (RBC) of Siwis Albino mices treated with various levels $CCl_4$, $CCl_4$ + vitamin E and kefir. Total of 40 Swiss albino mal emice were used in the study. During a week of adaptation 2 period, mice were fed ad libitum with Standard moase fed and tap water. Randomly assorted into following groups: Group I (n: 10): Animals were put on a normal diet and sham-treated with 1.5 ml/kg distilled water through oral gavage, daily for 7 weeks; this group of animals served as control. Group II (n:10): Animals were put on a normal diet and treated with 1.5 ml/kg b.w $CCl_4$ dissolved in 1.5 ml distilled water through oral gavage, daily for 7 weeks. Group III (n:10): Animals were put on a normal diet and treated with 1.5 ml/kg b.w $CCl_4$ + 30 ml/kg b.w kefir through oral gavage, daily for 7 weeks. Group IV Group (n: 10): Animals were put on a normal diet and treated with 1.5 ml/kg B W $CCl_4$ + 250 mg/kg B W vitamin E (DL $\alpha$ -tocopherol asetat) oral gavage, daily for 7 weeks. At the end of microbiological analysis of kefir, the avarage total mesophylic aerobic colony counts, lactic acid bacteria, lactic streptococcis, enterococcis, total coliforms and mould counts were found to be $1.04x10^9$ cfu/ml, $9.87x10^8$ cfu/ml, $4.38x10^8$ cfu/ml, $7.80x10^4$ cfu/ml, 0 cfu /ml and $1.26 x10^5$ cfu/ml respectively. The plasma MDA levels of CC14 treated groups were markedly low while GSH levels with GSH-Px and CAT activities were significantly high than that of controls. Difference between control Group and Group II was statistically important. As a result, kefir has played a inducible role on the GSH, GSH-Px and CAT, and was more effective than that of vitamin E on the lovering the lipid peroxidation. Separatly used of the vitamin E and kefir indducated that kefir is more efficacy than vitamin E in the prevation of the hazardous effects.


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