İslâm Öncesi Orta Asya Sikkelerinde Görülen Çin Sikke Darbı Etkileri

Some part of the pre-Islamic coins of Central Asia, including those belonging to 7th-8th centuries, have some features, specific to Chinese monetary system. In fact, the evidence of Chinese influence displayed by the coins of Bukhara and Samarqand, a little bit later by those of Chach (Tashkent), Farghana, Northern Tokharistan (South Uzbekistan–South Tajikistan), Otrar and Taraz (South Kazakhstan), about ten out of small oasis kingdoms of South-Eastern Jetisu/Semirech’e (Kyrgyzstan), belongs exactly to this period. The Chinese features of the coins of the kingdoms of Soghd, Samarqand, Bukhara, etc, could be produced by economic needs, however, from the perspective of the region as a whole, not only economic, but also political influence is quite obvious.

The Influence of the Chinese coinage over the Pre-Islamic Coins of Central Asia

Some part of the pre-Islamic coins of Central Asia, including those belonging to 7th-8th centuries, have some features, specific to Chinese monetary system. In fact, the evidence of Chinese influence displayed by the coins of Bukhara and Samarqand, a little bit later by those of Chach (Tashkent), Farghana, Northern Tokharistan (South Uzbekistan–South Tajikistan), Otrar and Taraz (South Kazakhstan), about ten out of small oasis kingdoms of South-Eastern Jetisu/Semirech’e (Kyrgyzstan), belongs exactly to this period. The Chinese features of the coins of the kingdoms of Soghd, Samarqand, Bukhara, etc, could be produced by economic needs, however, from the perspective of the region as a whole, not only economic, but also political influence is quite obvious.


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2017
  • Yayıncı: Erdem UÇAR