Mide Volvulusu ile Birlikte Mikst Hiatal Herni: Nadir Görülen Bir Akut Karın Tablosu

Introduction: Gastric volvulus occurs when the stomach rotates more than 180 degrees, and it is a rare surgical condition. It is a potentially life-threatening entity, and most cases of gastric volvulus occur in association with a hiatal hernia. Gastric volvulus is a rare condition and presents with nonspecific abdominal symptoms. Hence, endoscopy and computed tomography can help the diagnosis. Emergent surgical approach is mandatory.   Case Report: We present in this article a 73-year-old woman who had acute abdominal symptoms. Endoscopic and radiological imaging revealed gastric volvulus with a mixed hiatal hernia and choledocholithiasis. The patient underwent emergent surgery, and she was discharged healthy.   Conclusion: Borchardt’s triad during a hiatal hernia makes the physician consider acute gastric volvulus. The diagnosis should be corrected with endoscopic and radiological imaging. Proper surgical treatment methods should be applied. Other abdominal pathologies, such as choledocholithiasis, may accompany this condition, and they should also be kept in mind.

Gastric Volvulus with Mixed Hiatal Hernia: A Rare Picture of Acute Abdomen

Introduction: Gastric volvulus occurs when the stomach rotates more than 180 degrees, and it is a rare surgical condition. It is a potentially life-threatening entity, and most cases of gastric volvulus occur in association with a hiatal hernia. Gastric volvulus is a rare condition and presents with nonspecific abdominal symptoms. Hence, endoscopy and computed tomography can help the diagnosis. Emergent surgical approach is mandatory. Case Report: We present in this article a 73-year-old woman who had acute abdominal symptoms. Endoscopic and radiological imaging revealed gastric volvulus with a mixed hiatal hernia and choledocholithiasis. The patient underwent emergent surgery, and she was discharged healthy. Conclusion: Borchardt’s triad during a hiatal hernia makes the physician consider acute gastric volvulus. The diagnosis should be corrected with endoscopic and radiological imaging. Proper surgical treatment methods should be applied. Other abdominal pathologies, such as choledocholithiasis, may accompany this condition, and they should also be kept in mind


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Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2010
  • Yayıncı: Alpay Azap
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