Examination of Primary School Teachers' Opinions on Cultural Heritage Education in Life Science Lesson

A case study was used in this study, which was conducted to examine the opinions of primary school teachers on cultural heritage education in the Life Science lesson. The participants of the study consisted of 15 primary school teachers working in primary schools in Yozgat. The convenience sampling method was used while determining the participants. A semi-structured interview form was improved by the researcher and expert opinions were used to collect the data for the study. The descriptive analysis technique was used analysis of the obtained data. At the end of the data, it was concluded that teachers' opinions on cultural heritage are mostly in the form of cultural heritage elements. The majority of the teachers stated that they did not receive any education on cultural heritage or did not participate in the activity. In addition, a significant part of the teachers expressed that they found and the cultural heritage education the Life Science curriculum insufficient.

Examination of Primary School Teachers' Opinions on Cultural Heritage Education in Life Science Lesson

The case study was used in this study, which was conducted to examine the opinions of primary school teachers on cultural heritage education in the Life Science lesson. The participants the study consisted of 15 primary school teachers working primary schools in Yozgat. Convenience sampling method was used while determining the participants. A semi-structured interview form improved by the researcher and expert opinions were used to collect the data of the study. Descriptive analysis technique was used analysis of the obtained data. At the end of the data, it was concluded that teachers' opinions on cultural heritage are mostly in the form of cultural heritage elements. The majority of the teachers stated that they did not receive any education on cultural heritage or did not participate in the activity. In addition, a significant part of the teachers expressed that they found the cultural heritage education the Life Science curriculum insufficient.


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